Economics of Health Equity
This is a course for students to discuss recent advances in the economics of health equity. Topics will include equity in all dimensions: race/ethnicity; gender orientation; disability status; and others. Students will read papers, present, and discuss them.
Course Site: ECON 2925
Take-up of and Returns to Mental Health Treatment
What Good are Treatment Effects without Treatment?
by CJ Cronin, MP Forsstrom, NW Papageorge
Returns to Mental Health Treatment: Evidence from Bunching
by Cameron Deal and Anne Fournier
Presenter: Cameron Deal
Do Policies to Increase Access to Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Work
by Eric Barrette, Leemore Dafny, and Karen Shen
Presenter: Astrid Petropoulos and Elizabeth Karron
Loneliness in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Cash Transfers on Older Persons Living Alone in India: A Randomized Trial
by McKelway M, Banerjee A, Grela E, Schilbach F, Sequeira M, Sharma G, Vaidyanathan G, Duflo E.
Income-Based Homophily and Social Capital: An Experiment in Malawi
by Gabriella Fleischman
Presenter: Gabriella Fleischman
Women’s Employment, Husbands’ Economic Self-Interest and Domestic Violence
by Deniz Sanin
Presenter: Deniz Sanin
Disability Insurance: Error Rates and Gender Differences
by Hamish Low and Luigi Pistaferri
Presenters: Gabriella Fleischman and Kelsey Pukelis